Hahna is the perfect speaker for helping your college students prepare for life!

She speaks at orientations to help first year students make a smooth transition. She speaks to leadership and extracurricular groups on campus to encourage and equip them. She even speaks at campus events related to STEM, business and entrepreneurship.


Accelerate Your Career

From college grad to  senior engineer to company spokesperson in less than 5 years, Hahna reveals the secrets to her career success, allowing students to learn how to effectively accelerate their career without burning out. In this presentation, she shares the exact techniques she used to get ahead and the lessons learned along the way. By the end of this presentation, your students will walk away with knowing how to establish and catapult their careers for greater success.

Eliminate Your Student Loans in 5 Years or Less

Seven in 10 seniors  who graduated from public and nonprofit colleges in 2013 had student loan debt, with an average of $28,400 per borrower. This represents a two percent increase from the average debt of 2012 public and nonprofit graduates! Furthermore, the average bachelor's degree holder takes 21 years to pay off his or her loans.

In this presentation, Hahna reveals how she paid off $50K of debt in less than 5 years after graduating in 2010. Your audience will also learn how to:

  • establish a strong financial foundation,
  • effectively manage their money,
  • quickly grow their earned income, and
  • earn extra money on the side today!

Most importantly, your students will discover the benefits and impact of becoming debt-free. By the end of this presentation, Hahna will inspire your students to take control of their finances and eliminate their student loans sooner rather than 20 years from now.

Women and Minorities in STEM

In this engaging and enthusiastic presentation, Hahna motivates and empowers female and minority students to recognize the endless opportunities available to them in these fields. She shares her journey of being an engineer for the past 9 years, discussing how she overcame the challenges encountered throughout her career and the pillars to her success while also sparking self-belief in disciplines where women and minorities have traditionally been under-represented. By the end of this presentation, your students will be more confident and equipped in pursuing STEM academically and professionally.

Your Custom Talk

Every client is different, so why should every speech be the same? Hahna is known for her high level of tailoring custom speaking engagements to meet the individual needs of her clients.

Hahna designs each custom speaking engagement to meet your objectives and to reinforce the objectives of the entire meeting. She has the ability to integrate her message into the rest of the meeting or conference. This means your audience members benefit from the synergy of all the presentations they hear, and reinforces the hard work you’ve done to plan an effective event.
